The waved albatross (also known as the Galapagos albatross) is the largest bird in the Galapagos Islands. It is also the only species of albatross found in the tropics. Waved albatrosses mate for life, a relationship that begins with one of the most fascinating and elaborate courtship rituals in the animal kingdom. Each spring, visitors to the island of Española witness this spectacular display as thousands of waved albatrosses pair off  and proceed to circle and bow their bills, clack their beaks together, and raise their heads while emitting a haunting “whoo-ooo.” Nesting occurs on the island from April to June. The female lays a single egg in a shallow depression and incubates it for around two months. About two weeks after the chick has hatched, the new parents will head to sea in search of fish and squid, which they regurgitate at the nest. After about 167 days (January), the young leave the colony and spend the next six years feeding and scavenging at sea, before returning to the island to find mates of their own.