A curious young tortoise poses for a selfie.
Have ever wondered what a bunch of captive juvenile Galapagos giant tortoises get up to when they think no one is watching? No? Well, now’s your chance. The non-profit Galapagos Conservancy has set up cameras in the juvenile tortoise pen at the Fausto Llerena Tortoise Center in Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island and posts the feeds on its website.
Internet is often spotty at best in the islands, and tortoises are, well, um…, tortoises, so the cameras are programmed to record only when they detect motion. The cameras run continuously and daily uploads are combined into one continuous streaming video that features action from all four cameras from the previous day.
“Web cameras are fast becoming an important tool to engage the broad public in species protection and awareness around the world,” the Conservancy says on its website.
The goal of the cameras is “to engage visitors and residents of the islands with their unique perspective into the lives of giants tortoises living at the Tortoise Center.”
Check out the tortoise came here.