Visiting the Amazon rain forest is a rare trip of a lifetime for most, and if this is a destination that you’ve been dreamed about visiting, enter Visit Peru’s Naturally Amazing Peru Sweepstakes, where you and a guest have the chance to win a trip for two on Natural Habitat Adventures’ Great Amazon River Cruise in Peru!
This exciting adventure will take you deep into the Amazon where you can enjoy the natural beauty of Peru, a country that is focusing its attention on expanding and effectively managing the country’s magnificent network of 76 protected areas. WWF was one of the first to partner closely with the Peruvian government to create a fund to properly manage Peru’s protected areas. This funding will help Peru manage 41 million acres of the Amazon, covering 87% of Peru’s protected area network.
WWF has been working in the Amazon for more than 40 years. In 2002, WWF helped Peru permanently protect the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve, a 5.2 million-acre protected area which is home to the Amazon’s flooded forests and most magnificent species, and which will be the focus of this Amazon nature adventure.
WWF is proud to be the featured charity of Visit Peru’s Naturally Amazing Peru Sweepstakes. All donations will benefit WWF’s work in Peru.
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Body of water in the Pacaya Samira Reserve, Peru, Amazon. © J.J. Huckin WWF-US
Through an initiative called Earth for Life, WWF has worked with a group of other funders to make the Project Finance for Permanence (PFP), an innovative funding approach that ensures long-term financial stability of protected areas across the world. The Peru PFP, National Parks: Peru’s Natural Legacy, launched in 2014, will provide Peru’s government with an initial $70 million in seed funding to expand and manage Peru’s protected areas.
Enter by April 27 for a chance to win a trip to Peru with Natural Habitat Adventures and WWF to experience the spectacular biodiversity that the country has to offer. And don’t forget to donate and support WWF’s efforts to keep Peru’s National Parks pristine!
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Common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve in Peru. © Hugh M. Smith