Storytelling in Motion: Meet Nat Hab’s Head Filmmaker
Have you ever watched a short video on Nat Hab’s website and felt “I have got to go there?!” Whether it’s a close-up of a mother brown bear with her cubs in Alaska or cruising among massive icebergs in Greenland’s Sermilik Fjord, video gives a sense of what it’s like to experience the world’s most captivating wild destinations. But we don’t simply show stunning imagery for its own sake. In this webinar, learn how documentary filmmaker Andrew Ackerman uses video to tell the stories of the people and places that host our conservation travel adventures—from local residents who steward the land to guides who introduce its wonders to guests who go home committed to protecting the wildlife they’ve been touched by. Find out about the challenges and logistics involved in producing a short film in a wilderness setting, and watch some examples of how the finished product comes together.
Originally presented September 14, 2020
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