South Ponders North: A Chat Between Mexico & Alaska
Expedition Leader Sofia Merino was born in Guadalajara, raised in the tiny town of Zacatecas in central Mexico, and now lives in La Paz on the Baja Peninsula, near the ocean she loves. She takes pride in sharing her country’s natural treasures on Nat Hab’s gray whale and monarch butterfly adventures. Yet as much as Sofia loves her warm subtropical home, she is intrigued with climes much farther north—particularly Alaska. Today’s webinar indulges that interest (and yours, too?) as Sofia chats with Alaska resident Annie Van Dinther, fellow Expedition Leader and Guide Development Director who lives in the colorful hamlet of Homer. Sofia has also enlisted her family and friends in Mexico to ask questions of Annie: Is Alaska cold and frozen most of the year? Does it really stay dark all winter long? Do wild animals wander through your yard? (The answer to that for Annie is yes! She was recently late to a meeting because a mama moose decided to nurse her calf right in front of her house!). A prime focus of our webinar has wider ramifications: we’ll talk about how we form stereotypes of other places and how our assumptions may not always be correct—and why travel is so important in helping us understand places, and therefore one another, better!
Originally presented October 15, 2021
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