Northern Wilderness Sled Dog Excursion Reservation Form
Please note that in the absence of snow, dog sled rides are conducted on wheeled carts. Because availability can be very limited, we send our travelers to visit a variety of mushers in Churchill. The size of their wheeled carts varies from 2-10 passengers. When enough snow is on the ground to make for a safe experience on an authentic sled with rails, the sleds typically seat two people at a time.
At the Orientation Dinner on the first night of your trip, your Expedition Leader will brief you on current snow conditions and the nature of the sled dog experiences available at that time. You will be asked to reconfirm your interest and we will then arrange with the local mushers to accommodate our guests if time allows. In our continuous quest to assist local communities through eco-tourism, we encourage our guests to it’s fun!
2016 Fees
$110 per person