You know as well as us that our planet is warming at a dangerous pace, impacting ecosystems, habitats, wildlife and people. As lovers of nature, we feel acutely how much is at stake.
From the Amazon to the Arctic, as rain forests burn and sea ice melts, wild places are under duress. That’s why we believe it is critical to understand what is happening so we can influence our leaders to respond and alter our behaviors accordingly.
We have created a special trip series—Climate Change & Our Wild World—to bring you face to face with how a warming climate is affecting the natural world, and to inspire hope and action on behalf of our planet.
Our 2023 trips focus on the Amazon, East Greenland and Canada’s Polar Bears.

Our WWF Expedition Leader sets up his telephoto lens to teach travelers about polar bear behavior in Churchill © Court Whelan
You’ll travel with WWF Climate Experts who discuss the impacts of climate change on the wild places you love. Meet conservationists, researchers and other experts who enlighten us in depth—recognizing that we only tend to advocate for issues we feel personally invested in. And there’s no more powerful way to spark that incentive than to experience these places for yourself.
When you book one of these trips, we will offset the entire CO2 output of your life for a full year.
Nat Hab became the world’s first carbon-neutral travel company in 2007, and we have inspired others to follow suit. But we know offsets aren’t enough. There’s much more we all must do to address the magnitude of the challenge. We continue to pursue new ventures to reduce the carbon footprint of travel, including the development of an electric safari vehicle we hope will set the standard in Africa.

Nat Hab & WWF travelers observe wildlife as they float down the Amazon River © Megan Koelemay
Some critics contend travel should stop entirely. But we strongly believe there is a net benefit for conservation when we visit wild places in person, providing support for local communities, incentives to protect habitats and wildlife, and an emotional impact that sends us home as ardent advocates for protecting our planet.
There is no time to waste on the climate front. Visit one of these critical destinations to learn more as you experience the wonders of nature.
Much has changed on Planet Earth since Natural Habitat Adventures was launched in 1985. Our first foray into conservation travel was an expedition to Quebec’s Magdalen Islands to see baby harp seals. By taking passionate nature lovers to the ice floes for close encounters with fuzzy infant “whitecoats,” we showed the local community the economic value in protecting wildlife instead of clubbing the newborn seals for their coveted pelts. But a few years ago, we had to stop offering this trip when the sea ice freeze became too unpredictable.

Our travelers explore ice fjords in Greenland © Ralph Lee Hopkins
We don’t want a similar fate to befall other destinations. Be part of our important learning endeavor as we search for productive ways to respond to our planet’s climate crisis.
Join us for a climate-focused departure in 2023 in Greenland, Canada and Peru as we work together to learn and respond to what is at stake. Before you go, be sure to watch the Daily Dose of Nature below, Climate Change Demystified.
How can you solve a problem without understanding it? Cut through the hype to get at the simple science behind climate change in this webinar with Jeffrey Bennett, the author of The Global Warming Primer.